Surgeries Aasaanhain: FirstCure, a healthcare startup that simplifies Surgeries, with care

New Delhi 26th April 2022: Noida-based healthcare startup FirstCure Health (‘FirstCure’), to make advanced surgical care available to all by providing the right doctors, the right advice, the right treatment at the right prices, recently launched a healthcare service network. With mentorship from his family of senior reputed doctors and entrepreneurs, founded by Nikhil Bansal (a Chartered Accountant and alumnus of Harvard Business School), the startup aims to make modern surgical care safe, seamless, accessible and affordable. 

The startup recognizes the problems of unavailability of modern treatments everywhere, being available but at high prices, patients not aware of whom to consult to get the right treatment and stress of the process involved in arranging a treatment. For addressing these issues, aims to make the state-of-the-art modern and safe surgical care, typically available in super-specialty hospitals of big cities, accessible, affordable, standardized and integrated. 

In keeping with the need to solve above problems, FirstCure has built a strong network of 40+ clinics and leading hospitals in six cities - New Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Faridabad, Ghaziabad and Bhopal, connecting patients and their families with modern and reasonably priced treatments for 50+ ailments by its team of 50 + specialized doctors. Going forward it plans to expand its presence in many more towns and cities in India. 

“The healthcare industry in India today is very fragmented, unstructured, non-standardized and in most cases inaccessible to a very significant proportion of the Indian population. By trying to solve these problems and by providing the right treatment by the right doctors at the right price at a hospital near the user, we want to be a healthcare provider of choice which people from India and outside India trust for high-quality safe surgeries at the right prices.” says founder Nikhil Bansal. 

FirstCure Health through its network of doctors and experts offers following services:

Best surgeons: To ensure safe and successful surgeries, FirstCure has handpicked doctors who have a minimum of 10 years of experience, have at least post-graduate degrees in surgery from reputable institutions, are equipped with modern surgical methods and are reputed in their areas of practice.

Standardized surgeries with modern procedures: FirstCurepromotes and offers only modern surgical minimally invasive methods of treatment that ensures minimal pain, bleeding and scars ensuring speedy recovery of the patient.

Enabling healthcare at affordable costs: FirstCure treats its patients with its skilled surgeons using its standardized modern methods using the infrastructure of its partner hospitals. Since it buys the hospital rooms, OT hours and consumables in bulk, it costs lesser enabling FirstCure to provide services to its patients at lower costs.

Assist, help and offer the right guidance:FirstCure wants its users to focus only on getting better and leave everything else to them. Getting the user to the right doctor, arranging diagnostic tests, identifying the right treatment, organizing the surgery, handling all admission/discharge process, insurance paperwork, etc. are all handled by FirstCure. Post-surgical consultation is arranged and provided free of cost.

With these services, the startup aspires to be a one-spot source for its users requiring surgical care offering peace of mind and a stress-free experience.

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