ZunSolar Helps India Go Solar, Launches High-Efficiency 50W Mono PERC Rooftop Solar Panel

Gurugram 8 July 2021: Solar solutions startup, ZunSolar recently added a new feather to its cap by introducing the 50W monocrystalline PERC solar panel to its wide range of solar product offerings. The range already includes a combination of polycrystalline and monocrystalline panels, among other solar solutions, available on leading e-commerce platforms and www.zunsolar.com.

The 50W Monocrystalline solar panel has been launched, keeping in mind the domestic needs of rural dwellers. ZunSolar has taken up the challenge to make this newly launched product, one of the most affordable solutions across borders to boost the adoption of solar across the country.

In the market, the average cost of a 50W monocrystalline panel currently stands around INR 2400. Still, making an unbeatable price offering, ZunSolar launched its 50W mono PERC solar panel at an introductory price of just INR 2100.  

The new ZunSolar 50W panel gives an output of 0.22 units per day subject to weather conditions. Therefore, to provide a fair idea, this solar panel can produce sufficient electricity to operate one LED bulb, one small fan and small LED TV for 2 to 3 hours approximately. Apart from this, one can instead utilize the power to operate 2 to 3 LED bulbs for 5 to 6 hours a day.

Solar panels are becoming easier to procure and are thus making households energy independent. In addition, they come with a 25-year warranty making them a significant investment in the future of energy sources. Not only this, solar panels are easy to maintain and require minimal maintenance - making this source of energy a no-brainer to adopt.

The product is now exclusively available on Amazon, Flipkart, SnapDeal, and www.zunsolar.com 

If you are interested in partnering with ZunSolar, please contact us at www.zunsolar.com

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