Weight Management is not the only solution to manage Obesity -An alarming health problem in India!

India, 19th July 2021| The people have adapted to the new normal however work-from-home & virtual education is leading to overeating, stress eating and weight gain in both adults and children. The experience with Covid has reiterated the importance of maintaining good health, diet, and strong immunity system and hence, has added a lot of significance upon wellness and role of health monitoring at home. 

Obesity is an alarming health crisis in India. It is expected to triple between 2010 and 2040, with about 30% of the population likely to be overweight. Studies in 2015 by ICMR-IndiaB stated that 135 million were struggling in India with obesity and weight management issues. According to the 5th National Family and Health Survey released in December 2020, most of the women are suffering from the obesity related disease and it has increased significantly in the rural areas. 

To tackle this major crisis hiding in the shadows, more conversations around monitoring and managing overall wellness have been gaining importance at the national and global levels.

Mr. Masanori Matsubara, MD, OMRON Healthcare India comments, “Obesity related issues have a strong linkage with lifestyle diseases adding a huge burden to our healthcare systems. This indicates that preventative healthcare managementespecially on the individual level are the need of the hour. Most of us consider weight management as one of the prime criteria to check the effectiveness of our healthcare regime.However, it’s not sufficient. It’s important to monitor what’s going on inside our body through many more indicators like BMI, body age, fat percentage, muscle mass, etc. These can now be easily measured from the comfort of one’s home. Monitoring devices like Body Composition Monitors make it possible.” 

Obesity is determined by Body Mass Index (BMI), which is an estimate of body fat and agood indicator of vulnerability tohealth risks. In India, obesity is indicated by a BMI of 30 or above, and 25-30 BMI indicates being overweight. Visceral fat, that wraps around the abdominal organs inside the body, is also a significant indicator. Both high BMI & visceral fat signify greater risk of heart problems, high blood pressure, breathing issues, and more. Knowledge of these indicators and how to manage these components can make weight and health management much more effective. 

OMRON has introduced body composition monitors that make it easy for users to understand their overall health by measuring their BMI, visceral fat, skeletal muscle and more in a few seconds. The devices come equipped with a unique, and industry’s first-of-its-kind, Japanese Four Point, Eight Sensor-Based full body sensing technology and also offer Bluetooth connectivity to send the collected data from the machine directly to the OMRON Connect app. 

With the mission to help realize a healthy and comfortable life for people around the world, OMRON Healthcare continuously strives to create high quality products and provide them globally. The company’s offerings all strive to make at-home health management easy and accessible.

According to WHO, the frequency of obesity has increased 3 times since 1975, globally. More than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight as per 2016 statistics and around 650 million of them are obese. As per 2020 statistics, around 39 million children under the age group of 5 years are obese. 


About OMRON Healthcare India: 

Committed to helping people live more active and fulfilling lives, OMRON Healthcare is a global leader in the field of clinically proven, innovative medical equipment for health monitoring and therapy. Throughout its history, OMRON Healthcare has been striving to improve lives and contribute to a better society by developing innovations that help people prevent, treat and manage their medical conditions, both at home and in clinical practice in over 110 countries.

The OMRON Healthcare Group, headquartered in Kyoto, Japan, provides World’s No.1 blood pressure monitors (Global Home Appliance Market Comprehensive Survey 2020 by Fuji Keizai Co.,Ltd.(2019)). The company’s additional core product categories are respiratory care, pain management devices, and wellness products. It also develops and activates remote patient monitoring service in the field of cardiovascular condition management. 

Established in 2010, OMRON Healthcare India has established itself a key player in the health monitoring segment in the country providing high quality blood pressure monitors, respiratory therapy devices, body fat monitors, digital thermometers, pain management devices, etc. It is the most recommended brand by doctors for blood pressure monitors and has been making rapid strides in the nebulizers segment too.

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