May 21 2021: The perfect companion for your daily needs is here! Borosil is India's first microwavable glass maker. This summer, you can rely on your favourite home-grown Indian brand and their iconic Vision glasses for all your daily needs and occasions. You can heat, freeze or bake your favourite beverages, smoothies and desserts with these 100% borosilicate glasses that come in intricate designs and capacities.

Whether you want to heat milk for your children, serve iced tea or chilled lemonade to your family and friends or whip up and serve some deserts, there’s a glass for every need. The Borosil Vision Glasses can be chilled in the freezer and go straight into the microwave without any worry of breaking! They are also 100% ovenproof and can also be used for baking and serving cakes, desserts, and soufflés and ice cream cakes. The benefits of these glasses are limitless. Not only are they scratch resistant, they are also non porous, thus making them resistant to absorbing any odour or stains. 

The Vision Glasses are the preferred choice of the Indian Army in Siachen because they can withstand the heat of hot piping tea and coffee without cracking. Choose from a myriad collection, from the Vision Cherry Glass, the Vision White Curl Glass, Vision Red bud, Vision White Krip & Black Krip and the most favourite, the Classic Vision glass.

Unlike plastic or ordinary glass, the Vision Glass will not leach chemicals into your drink even after repeated usage and is harder and tougher than ordinary glass. Vision glasses retain perfect clarity and will not turn cloudy with repeated usage. So choose health and the safety of your family with Borosil’s Vision Glasses for your everyday needs.

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